Friday, February 12, 2010

House-hunting and dating, Part 2

I've been jilted! I thought I'd found the perfect place - I could imagine all my things fitting comfortably, in a nice neighborhood with a garden and a creek running through the backyard. New appliances, hardwood floors, etc., etc. Somehow the Real Estate agent failed to communicate my interest to the owner and the next thing I knew, it was gone! Snooze, you loose? She who hesitates is lost? You don't know what you've got til it's gone? Sigh.

OK. I'm supposed to have this intention thing down pat, so what happened? Was I unclear in my intentions? Was I holding out, thinking something better was around the corner? Did I blink?

Of course, the Universe weighed in this morning and reminded me what I needed to do:

"Think that it's fun, Vincenza, that you're guided, and that all is well; that there's time, that life is easy, and that the best is yet to come.

Think that the reasons that elude you will one day catch up, that the lessons that have stumped you will one day bring joy, and that the sorrows that have crippled you will soon give you wings.

Think that you're important, that you cannot fail, and that happiness always returns.

And think that you're beautiful, Vincenza. I do. --The Universe"

Gotta love that Universe! So I sat down and wrote out my intention for my new home. Here it is (although I must admit, it resembles the list I made for the ideal mate and that one made my brother-in-law Don Z. exclaim that it was impossible to find all that in one person - but that's another story):

I envision and put my intenion on the perfect house for me. My house is in a great neighborhood where I can enjoy my neighbors and my surroundings. There is plenty of room for my furniture and space for family and friends to visit. The kitchen is large enough to enjoy cooking and has nice appliances and counter space. There is a washer and dryer, or space for them, for my laundry in my house. There is a garden that I can care for and enhance. There is storage space for things I don't need to use right now. There is a garage to help keep the elements off my car. My house will be a reasonable drive from work and close enough to restaurants, theatres, shopping, and fun things to do in my community. My house will cost the right amount of money to fit my budget. I will feel safe and comfortable in my house and enjoy coming home to it after my work day is over. My landlord is conscientious and friendly but not overbearing. I can make this house my home.

There. That's my intention and I've released it to the Universe. Let's see what happens next!


  1. Genz,

    I remember back when we were moving back to Michigan from Florida, I thought I found a great house for my family. I put in an offer for the full asking price. There was another party also interested who put in an offer. Turned out, they offerred over the asking price! Who would of thought? Well, you know the house we ended up with (better all the way around). When God closes a door, it's because He has something better for us, when we acknowledge Him. I believe you will find what you are looking for!

    p.s. love your posts!


  2. Thanks for your wisdom my dear brother. Miss you and yours. Will start looking for airfares for the August wedding. Can't wait to see everyone again!!

  3. Aunt Genz,

    Can I use your intention when it's time for Galo and I to look for a home? It covers it all!! :)

    Mom sent me the link to your blog, and I will definitely be following! :)

    -- Laura Rose

  4. Laura - you certainly may use it! Love you sweetie!

  5. This can be a really well thought out post. I certainly enjoyed reading it. Thanks
