Friday, May 21, 2010

Good Grief! Where does the time go?!!

I can't believe it's been so long since my last post. Some really wonderful things have happened in the past four weeks so let's go back to the beginning....

Phyllis: "My God, Genz, you've landed in Disneyland. No, not Disneyland - Genzaland!"

So proclaimed by big sister when she and Don came for a visit a few weeks back. It especially feels like home when family and friends come to visit. Of course, I wanted my big sister to know I was OK. But she decided I'm better than OK, I'm doing wonderfully! We picked up where Joanne and I left off and hung up the rest of the pictures. Don put up new shower heads (to conserve water). Best of all, they bought me a wrought iron table and chairs for my patio. Putting them together was a project, but we did just fine. We toured the Vanderbilt Mansion and FDR's Presidential Library.

After a tour of campus (on a beautiful sunny day) a student took a picture of us underneath the Wisteria gracing the front door of the school. Phyllis took a ton of pictures all over and when she got home put together an album to send to me. It's a great reminder of the fun time we had. One highlight was lunch at the Eveready Diner - which was featured on "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives" on the Food Network. Good diner fare! No visit with Phyllis and Don is complete without Mexican Train Dominos - score: Don one, Genz one, Phyllis (well, guess we still need to play that rubber game).

After that whirlwind weekend, I went to the City for a 4-day certification workshop for a course called Crucial Conversations - how to hold tough conversations when the stakes are high, emotions are strong, and opinions differ. I think it's the exact right thing for my organization right now and I got the go ahead to get certified and teach the top 80 leaders. The certification workshop was absolutely fabulous - great instructor, wonderful materials, and the content is superb. I can't wait to teach the course and I've identified 12 leaders to participate in a pilot program with me in June.

I loved being in the City for the workshop too. Every night after class ended, I'd take a nice long walk down different streets. It's absolutely amazing how many people - adults, kids, dogs, strollers, folks on roller skates - are moving back and forth at all hours. Such aliveness. Shops, bakeries, galleries, restaurants - so much to look at. I just walked around with a big grin on my face and said hello to as many people as would look back! The energy was fabulous and I was sorry to see it end. Although, since I have such a great place to come home to, the sadness didn't last too long - just about as long as it took the train to get me back to Poughkeepsie.

Well, that wraps up April. I'll write tomorrow to get caught up on May. I went home (to Michigan) twice in May and gave myself a spa day for Mother's Day. I've started gardening and signed up for two workshops this summer at Omega Institute. I'm so excited to finally be going there!

Giggles and grins,
Hugs and kisses,
Ciao for now!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you are feeling at home.

    Crucial conversations is a great call for your organization. While I've not attended the workshop, the book was great.
